Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

wrapping things up for eleven two

okay i got about a trillionmillionbillion things to talk about. but im just gonna wrap things up.

last week, our class, 11.2 went on a farewell trip to ancol. saturday, we arrived @ school at about 8pm, and arrived at dufan at 10pm maybe? i kinda forgot. anyways, there was many firsts at dufan there, it was the first time many of us rode tornado (not me though, i've tasted dufan inside and out :p) oh and we watched the x-men stuntmen show. and there was pyrotechnics. i didnt expect any explosions since it was indoors. cool. overall rating: 8/10. surprisingly, dufan wasn't too crowded that day!

we rode most of the rides at about 4pm, and we busted out to head to putri duyung cottages. some of us walked, and some of us got in a car. at the cottage, we watched TAKE ME OUT INDONESIA -_- but it's fun when you watching it with 18 people :D then there was the soccer match between germany-russia. here, you can see the difference between guys and girls. the guys were like "dang dude, podolski's pass was friggin' awesome" and the girls were like "OHMYGOOD HE IS SOOOO CUTEE!!" we are teenagers. and we love junk food. loads of it. so we end up with 6 or 5 (?) i kinda forgot how many large pizzas we had in 15 minutes. yes. that is what we call "lebay". but no. we literally finished all those pizzas in about 15 minutes.

i did not sleep. there was too many mosquitoes, and some of the guys were playing Winning Eleven all night with super loud ipod music. jeez. so me, tiff, domi, teh, and amo went outside and took a walk until 5am -_- back in, we finally got some sleep. for about 1 hour only. for our breakfast, the girls took the coupons and ate BUFFET. A FRIGGIN BUFFET WHILE THE BOYS ONLY HAD UNDERCOOKED POP MIE (yes, undercooked. some of it was still crunchy. dang.)

on my way home, i realized. I LEFT MY CAMERA. MY FUCKING CAMERA OH MY GODDD. but i stayed cal. too calm exactly. i wasn't worried at all cause some of the boys were still at the cottages. so, i went home and slept for about 18 hours straight. the next day, i still hasnt got my camera. and i started to worry. cause my friends didn't know a thing about it. tuesday, i wasnt at school, i got a bit of fever, and we had to leave for camping on wednesday. so i stayed home to rest. that morning, i told my old man that i lost my camera. and he was effing pissed. he was like soo frustrated. but later that afternoon, mamat came to my house to give me back my CD that he borrowed. after a bit of chatting, i went outside to accompany him. there, he told me to see his car. and when he opened the door, JENG JENG. MY CAMERA WAS THERE OHMYGOSHHH!!!! i pushed mamat while saying "ANJING LU MAAAATTTT GUE UDAH DIMARAIN ABIS2AN GATAUNYA KAMERANYA DI ELU NYETTTT" yes, i was punk'd. so asap, i uploaded the pics and 11.2 apologized for the punk'd. but that made the farewell even more memorable and unforgettable.

wellllll, that wasn't much of a wrap. but i was too excited to tell you about it. so, who cares!?

friends forever, it may be a cliché, but we are friends for ever, and our bonds are unbreakable.
i love you eleven two.

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

im back with my new bucket list

OKAYYY IM BAAACCCKKKK!!!! with my new bucket list. so here goes, oh yeah. im not gonna put it in order according to priority like last time was. ahhahahaha.

1. XM8 Airsoft gun with at least 400fps ha-ha
2. inline skates
3. 4 new hoodies (ohmigoshh im so obsessed with hoodies. right now i have 7 -_-)
4. sustainer for me guitar!!
6. cbr 150rr
7. ninja 250r
8. the ting tings concert!
9. new shoes -.-
10. new phone

okay thats all i can think of. hopefully some will get crossed out soon since this list is more reasonable than the last one was :p


Rabu, 23 September 2009

my lovely, holiday.

oke tanggal 30 sept, hari pertama masuk, gue final exam. logikanya, gue mesti belajar selama liburan ini.

mudah ditebak, selama liburan ini,,,,, GUE BELOM NYENTUH BUKU YAOLOH

Kamis, 10 September 2009

anak pemalas yang kebetulan sedang berpikir

gue lagi ngerjain tugas bisnis.

hem gak bisa dibilang ngerjain juga sih. lebih ke browsing-sambil-kadang-kadang-mengerjakan. tanpa sadar gue ngelakuin itu sampe 5 jem. skarang udah malem bgt pula. kapan mau slesenya ya? haha gue gak tau juga. sama skali gada niat bikin.

di malem ini gue berasa sepi bgt. biasanya, gue selalu bikin tugas sambil ditemenin lagu. tapi malem ini, lagu itu absen. ya, emang ada yang enggak biasa pada pagi hari ini.

setelah gue baca postnya radityadika yang about love, gue jadi mikir.

buat apa ya kita mencintai tanpa dicintai? buat apa ya gue perjuangin rasa sayang gue ke cewek yang udah sama skali gak menunjukan feeling yang sama terhadap gue?

iya gue emang bukan cowok pintar populer ganteng nan fit yang seperti lu pikir (awas muntah). gue cuma cowok biasa yang akhir-akhir ini (at least for me) hidupnya rada berantakan. yeah, im facing the typical teenage problem. its that moment when you say school sucks, parents suck, girls suck, life fucked. emang problem nya banyak, tp cuma satu hal yang ada di otak gue sekarang. a girl.

nothing else matters. seringnya, pikiran gue cuma berputar di 3 hal. dia lagi apa, dia bakal suka gua lagi gak ya? dan,, makan apa ya entar. oke. yang ke 3 emang rada gak nyambung. but the point is, gue gak bisa ngelepasin diri darinya.

usaha? gue udah berusaha banget. tp kayaknya dia udah bener-bener gak suka gue lagi. ini udah terjadi selama beberapa bulan. gue gak tau mesti ngapain lagi buat mendapatkan kembali hatinya. im so devastated.

gue cuma bisa ngiri sama raditya dika yang bisa express feelingnya dengan seenaknya gitu. tinggal ngetik ceplok brot jadi. sedangkan gue? nulis ini aja sambil ngalor-ngidul gak karuan.

jadi sebenarnya buat apa ya gue mencintai orang yang jelas-jelas dak mencintai gue balik?

gak tau. gue cuma tau 1 hal. gue sayang dia. gue gak bisa ngejelasin perasaan gue dengan kata-kata. cuma 3 kata ini yang bisa keluar dari otak, mulut, dan hati gue. i. love. her.

i hate love

Kata orang, kalo mau ngeblog,
tulislah perasaan paling kuat yang lagi kamu rasakan.

Well, saya lagi jatuh cinta,
dan saya ingin menulis tentang itu.

Now, this is the problem. Saya takut menulis tentang cinta. You know, tulisan tentang cinta, adalah tulisan yang paling susah untuk ditulis. Karena, sangat susah menulis tentang cinta tanpa terlihat dangdut, corny, atau downright menya-menye. Saya tidak ingin tulisan yang saya buat jadi terlihat seperti surat cinta mbak-mbak dan mas-mas pembantu rumah: “Kalau kamu jadi madu, aku jadi lebahnya.” Hoek. Atau, “Kalau kamu jadi kumbang, aku jadi sepedanya… sepeda kumbang.” Dobel hoek.

For me, what I have with you now,
lebih dari analogi yang melibatkan serangga.


Tapi kalau mau dianalogikan, let me get a shot: falling in love with you is like prasmanan tanpa pernah terpuaskan. Semua detail-detail sifat yang kamu tawarkan: quirkiness kamu, ketidaklaziman kamu, kemengertian kamu terhadap keanehanku (begitu pun sebaliknya), seperti di tawarkan dalam piring-piring buffet dengan silver platter yang menyala rapih. Dan kuambil. Kukonsumsi. Namun, aku masih kelaparan. Lalu kuambil, kukonsumsi kembali. Dan aku, tetap kelaparan. Saya bisa menyalahkan ini kepada sifat aku yang menagih -dan tidak pernah puas-, atau kepada kamu yang terus menawarkan cita-rasa yang tak kunjung habis. Atau, kepada keduanya. I can only sum it up: I. Can’t. Get. Enough. Of. You.

Waduh. Maaf, lagi puasa,
jadi analoginya nyambung ke makanan. *teehee

Tuh kan. Maybe I can’t find cool analogies, pretty metaphors, or write a lovey dopey poem (you know, yang kayak “ketika langit tak berbintang, maka aku..”. Damn, Triple hoek dengan cuh), I definitely can’t write music. I’m a comedy writer, therefore I’m not even good with words for these kind of things.

So, I’m gonna make this ultra-simple,
the most primitive form of telling how I feel: “I love you”.

And I love being with you! I love your giggle, your silly grin, your energetic story-telling (with your hands waving aroud), your sharp bitchiness. I love our awkwardness when our hands meet, and the fact we act it cool.Oh and I love the way you walk, the way you dance, the way you sing (god, the way you sing make angels sound like Doraemon!) and how you apply your personality in a paste. I love the look in your eyes when you showed me those MJ videos, Bruce Lee interviews, those reflective eyes, longing for perfection, filled with deep thoughts and ambitions. The ambitions that I share. The way of thinking that I understand. The unconventional person, you are. You are the odd-shaped jigsaw puzzle that I’m looking to fit. And you completed me.

Thus, when they ask me: why do you love her?
I can safely say: what is not to love?

PS: There. The first rule of blogging: write what you feel. Safely done. No insects involved.

repsted from radityadika's with some parts tweaked :D:D

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

fuck nilai gueeee

ahh people i need a new learning strategy fuckk dammit.

oke dari 6 subject yang ada di skul gue, gue merah 5 ya oloh gila dah fuck.

naik kelas ga ya? ato ga naik lagi?

hemm im seriously praying for the first option. wish me luck dudes and dudettes!

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009


hmm lets see.

1. i got a new friend, lidia
2. no new music. phew. only some old, but recently downloaded.
3. been to some events. including : st moritz opening, st@r cup, ipeka cup
4. made up my mind. im taking college in malaysia april 2010
5. wanna save up for something special, but its gonna be a hard save-up. looking at my expenses. T.T
6. fell in love with snakes. literally. i wanna keep one. a small one. aaa pengenn
7. caught a bad cold

hmm that's pretty much all of em
